Bertrandt strengthens its expertise in the mega trends of the automotive and aviation sectors with the acquisition of the Philotech Group

Bertrandt strengthens its expertise in the mega trends of the automotive and aviation sectors with the acquisition of the Philotech Group

Ehningen - December 20th, 2021  APA OTS – Bertrandt is consistently advancing its group strategy. With the acquisition of the specialist company Philotech, it is further expanding the growth fields of software, electronics, and IT security.    

For around 35 years now, the Philotech Group has been a specialist for highly demanding, holistic development projects in the fields of software, electronics, and IT security. It provides comprehensive solutions for complex systems for customers from the aviation, automotive, telecommunications, and transportation sectors. In the field of aviation, its core competencies include, for example, flight control systems, avionics systems, and software development, as well as their integration and validation. In the automotive sector, the focus is on autonomous systems, electric mobility and connectivity.

With its know-how and its regional and international operations at sites in Germany, France and Spain, the Philotech Group complements not only Bertrandt’s broad and deep range of services, but also its regional organization.  

“We are very pleased to be able to expand Bertrandt’s range of services with the acquisition of the Philotech Group. Together, we can meet our customers’ requirements in the best possible way. The expansion of our activities in the growth areas of the mobility industry is an important component in Bertrandt’s group strategy” says Michael Lücke, Member of the Board of Bertrandt AG.

“After intensive analyses of potential partners, we see the best prospects with Bertrandt. We are convinced that we will be able to take advantage of the great growth opportunities in the future-oriented developments in aerospace, automotive, and telecommunications together. I am also pleased to be offering the employees of Philotech further perspectives in the increasingly complex and larger requirements of our clients" says Hartwig Dirscherl, Managing Director of the Philotech Group.

The Philotech Group has been very successful in recent years in the cross-sector transformation of its competencies. The closing of the transaction is largely dependent on antitrust approval and is expected for the first quarter of 2022.

No details have been disclosed regarding the agreed purchase price.

About Bertrandt

As a leading development service provider in the automotive, aerospace, and mechanical engineering sectors, Bertrandt focuses on providing top-quality, technology-oriented services for the mobility of today and tomorrow. The trends of digitalization, autonomous systems, connectivity, and electric mobility play a key role in this.

Our almost 50 years of cross-sector expertise and our global presence enable us to develop customer-focused solutions quickly and efficiently. Our strengths lie in our ability to implement projects from a holistic perspective – from the initial consultation to final implementation and validation, including start of production and after sales – as well as the speed at which we are able to scale up projects. Around 12,000 employees at more than 50 sites worldwide are committed to addressing the challenges faced by our customers.

About Philotech

Philotech provides engineering and consulting services for demanding and safety-critical applications. Its targeted customers are manufacturers and suppliers in these sectors.

We have accumulated in-depth competencies on an international level. Our customers have regarded the owner-managed company Philotech as their preferred engineering and consulting partner for more than 30 years.

Highly qualified and motivated engineers are working at our headquarters and branches in Germany as well as at our subsidiaries and at customer sites in Germany, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Their expertise is constantly being fostered by an internal know-how transfer as well as by close cooperation with universities and research institutions.


Matthias Bienert

Head of Corporate Marketing and Communications

Tel. +49 7034 656-4004


Bertrandt AG

Birkensee 1

71139 Ehningen

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