China’s Leading Sportswear Brand Li-Ning Launches Three Day Promotion of Its Super Light Running Shoes in Russia

Lightweight, durable and incredibly comfortable running shoes

China’s Leading Sportswear Brand Li-Ning Launches Three Day Promotion of Its Super Light Running Shoes in Russia

Beijing - BUSINESS WIRE - The Li-Ning sportswear brand founded by world renowned Olympic gold medalist Mr. Li Ning launches an incredible offer for its best-selling Super Light running shoes. The promotion will be available between March 28th and 30th to celebrate the 7th Anniversary Sale on AliExpress, the global online retailer under Alibaba Group.

Li-Ning is famous for its innovative, stylish and comfortable sneakers, which are designed to give sports and exercise enthusiasts the best quality at an affordable price.

The promotion will launch at 00.01 on the 28th of March and will finish at 23.59 on the 30th of March 2017 in celebration of AliExpress’ 7th birthday. Usually priced at US$95.98, you will enjoy the Super Light running shoes at 56% off during promotion time, which means you can get them at an unbeatable price of US$42.23.

Expertly designed

Are you one of millions of people around the world seeking a healthier lifestyle? While it is important to eat well, it is also crucial to exercise, and bulky, poorly fitting shoes can hold you back.

Lightweight and flexible, Super Light shoes are perfect for almost any sport. Wearing them for yoga practice, running, walking and team sports will bring you comfort all day long.

A perforated outer layer allows your feet to breathe, while the full length midsole creates supple underfoot cushioning for protection against impactful sports.

Exercise every day? No problem. The Super Light running shoe’s sole is made from Tuff RB, a high wear resistance and anti-abrasion material, which means they will stand the test of time.

Beautifully designed, the Super Light shoes come in both stunning blue and a combination of yellows and oranges.

To buy a pair of Super Light running shoes with 56% off during the promotion (28th March to 30thMarch) please visit

About Li-Ning (China) Sports Goods Co., LTD

Established by world-renowned Olympic gold medalist Mr. Li Ning in 1990, Li-Ning (China) Sports Goods Co., LTD is an innovative sportswear brand headquartered in Beijing, China. The company is committed to creating world leading sporting goods including footwear, clothing, equipment and accessories for professionals and nonprofessionals at affordable prices.

For more information about Li-Ning, please visit us online at

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Sarah Sheehan

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