Wirecard signs global partnership with VEON

Payment and processing services in ten diverse markets, new consumer solution for prepaid top up

Wirecard signs global partnership with VEON

Aschheim (Munich) – 20 June 2017 APA OTS - Wirecard and VEON have signed a global payments and processing agreement that will benefit hundreds of millions of mobile users across the world. Wirecard will now handle the airtime top-up as well as third party payments functionality on VEON’s personal internet platform meaning customers will be able to upload and update their mobile payment accounts on-the-go and within a few seconds.

VEON launched its new personal internet platform in Italy in November 2016 using data analytics and artificial intelligence to offer users a variety of new, personalized and contextual services from entertainment to financial services. The global cooperation with Wirecard will continue to grow as VEON expands into new markets throughout 2017 – including Russia, Georgia and Bangladesh.

AJ Hanna, Chief Mobile Financial Services Officer at VEON, states: “We want the customer experience on VEON to be exciting, enriching and extremely user-friendly. That means partnering with the best processing and payments providers, like Wirecard, so that users can top-up and pay for services quickly and easily.”

Jan Marsalek, Chief Operating Officer at Wirecard, adds: “We are delighted to work with one of the largest technology innovators and mobile network operators on this state-of-the-art mobile payment solution. Easy mobile payments are essential in the fast growing frontier markets. With our new airtime top-up solution and third party payment functionality, consumers will be able to upload and spend money more efficiently than ever before.” 

Wirecard media contact:

Wirecard AG

Jana Tilz

Tel.:  +49 (0) 89 4424 1363

E-Mail: jana.tilz@wirecard.com

About Wirecard:

Wirecard AG is a global technology group that supports companies in accepting electronic payments from all sales channels. As a leading independent supplier, the Wirecard Group offers outsourcing and white label solutions for electronic payments. A global platform bundles international payment acceptances and methods with supplementary fraud prevention solutions. With regard to issuing own payment instruments in the form of cards or mobile payment solutions, the Wirecard Group provides companies with an end-to-end infrastructure, including the requisite licences for card and account products. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Securities Exchange (TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060, WDI). For further information about Wirecard, please visit www.wirecard.com or follow us on twitter @wirecard.

About VEON:

VEON, a NASDAQ-listed global provider of communications services, formerly known as VimpelCom, aspires to lead the personal internet revolution for the 235 million customers it serves today, and many others in the years to come.

VEON media contact:

Neil Moorhouse

Tel: +31 20 79 77 200 (Amsterdam)

E-Mail: pr@veon.com

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