Whirlpool Celebrates Human Connections at Fuorisalone 2019 in Milan

Whirlpool Celebrates Human Connections at Fuorisalone 2019 in Milan

MILAN, April 8, 2019 - At Fuorisalone 2019, Milan’s world-famous celebration of design, held during the city's prestigious Salone Internazionale del Mobile from April 8-14, Whirlpool is showcasing the power of innovative design to build meaningful human connections in the digital age.

This concept is sensationally brought to life by Whirlpool through a striking new installation designed by Ico Migliore with M+S lab. Entitled ‘The Perfect Time’, the installation explores how the human-centric product design behind Whirlpool’s premium W Collection range is creating homes that are more sensitive to the human experience, thanks to its 6TH SENSE technology. The installation features as part of ‘Human Spaces’ – a special exhibition presented by iconic Italian interior and contemporary design magazine, INTERNI and co-produced by Whirlpool. This prestigious showcase of design takes place at the University of Milan between April 8-19 and is anticipated to attract over 200,000 visitors and designers over the course of the two weeks.

Another Whirlpool highlight at Fuorisalone is an exclusive “talk show”-style panel discussion held this evening (April 8). The event features industry thought leaders discussing how technology and design can help to foster the human connections that matter most in life.

Throughout the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Whirlpool is also providing opportunities to experience its exquisite W Collection suite. The premium appliances will feature in a special cooking demonstration event and will also be on show to the public within a product showcase at the newly-renovated Milan flagship showroom of Cosentino, at its Milan showroom, ‘Cosentino City Milan’, located in Piazza Fontana. 

For further information please visit: http://socialmediarelease.net/Whirlpool-EMEA-Fuorisalone-2019.html

Press Inquiries:

Whirlpool EMEA

Edda Laudi


+49 089 124450

Rachel Niemoller


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